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Class ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange>

Creates a new Change Stream instance. Normally created using {@link Collection#watch|Collection.watch()}.

Type Parameters




  • new ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange>(): ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange>


  • Check if there is any document still available in the Change Stream


    Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See mongodb-legacy for migration assistance

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • deprecated

    Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See mongodb-legacy for migration assistance


    Returns void

  • Get the next available document from the Change Stream.


    Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See mongodb-legacy for migration assistance

    Returns Promise<TChange>

  • deprecated

    Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See mongodb-legacy for migration assistance


    Returns void

  • Try to get the next available document from the Change Stream's cursor or null if an empty batch is returned


    Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See mongodb-legacy for migration assistance

    Returns Promise<<internal>.Document>

  • deprecated

    Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See mongodb-legacy for migration assistance


    Returns void

  • Returns AsyncGenerator<TChange, void, void>

  • Close the Change Stream


    Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See mongodb-legacy for migration assistance

    Returns Promise<void>

  • deprecated

    Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See mongodb-legacy for migration assistance


    Returns void

  • Return a modified Readable stream including a possible transform method.

    NOTE: When using a Stream to process change stream events, the stream will NOT automatically resume in the case a resumable error is encountered.


    MongoChangeStreamError if the underlying cursor or the change stream is closed


    Returns <internal>.Readable & <internal>.AsyncIterable<TChange>

  • removeAllListeners<EventKey>(event?: string | symbol | EventKey): ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange>
  • Type Parameters

    • EventKey extends "error" | "init" | "close" | "end" | "response" | "more" | "change" | "resumeTokenChanged"


    • Optional event: string | symbol | EventKey

    Returns ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange>

  • listeners<EventKey>(event: string | symbol | EventKey): ChangeStreamEvents<TSchema, TChange>[EventKey][]
  • Type Parameters

    • EventKey extends "error" | "init" | "close" | "end" | "response" | "more" | "change" | "resumeTokenChanged"


    • event: string | symbol | EventKey

    Returns ChangeStreamEvents<TSchema, TChange>[EventKey][]

  • rawListeners<EventKey>(event: string | symbol | EventKey): ChangeStreamEvents<TSchema, TChange>[EventKey][]
  • Type Parameters

    • EventKey extends "error" | "init" | "close" | "end" | "response" | "more" | "change" | "resumeTokenChanged"


    • event: string | symbol | EventKey

    Returns ChangeStreamEvents<TSchema, TChange>[EventKey][]

  • Type Parameters

    • EventKey extends "error" | "init" | "close" | "end" | "response" | "more" | "change" | "resumeTokenChanged"


    Returns boolean

  • listenerCount<EventKey>(type: string | symbol | EventKey): number
  • Type Parameters

    • EventKey extends "error" | "init" | "close" | "end" | "response" | "more" | "change" | "resumeTokenChanged"


    • type: string | symbol | EventKey

    Returns number

  • eventNames(): string[]
  • getMaxListeners(): number


errorMonitor: typeof errorMonitor

This symbol shall be used to install a listener for only monitoring 'error' events. Listeners installed using this symbol are called before the regular 'error' listeners are called.

Installing a listener using this symbol does not change the behavior once an 'error' event is emitted, therefore the process will still crash if no regular 'error' listener is installed.

captureRejectionSymbol: typeof captureRejectionSymbol
captureRejections: boolean

Sets or gets the default captureRejection value for all emitters.

defaultMaxListeners: number
pipeline: <internal>.Document[]
namespace: MongoDBNamespace
type: symbol
streamOptions?: CursorStreamOptions


RESPONSE: "response"
MORE: "more"
INIT: "init"
CLOSE: "close"
CHANGE: "change"

Fired for each new matching change in the specified namespace. Attaching a change event listener to a Change Stream will switch the stream into flowing mode. Data will then be passed as soon as it is available.

END: "end"
ERROR: "error"
RESUME_TOKEN_CHANGED: "resumeTokenChanged"

Emitted each time the change stream stores a new resume token.


  • get resumeToken(): unknown
  • The cached resume token that is used to resume after the most recently returned change.

    Returns unknown

  • get closed(): boolean
  • Is the cursor closed

    Returns boolean

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