Creates a new Logger instance
The Class name associated with the logging instance
Optional logging settings
Log a message at the debug level
The message to log
Additional meta data to log
Log a message at the warn level
The message to log
Additional meta data to log
Log a message at the info level
The message to log
Additional meta data to log
Log a message at the error level
The message to log
Additional meta data to log
Is the logger set at info level
Is the logger set at error level
Is the logger set at error level
Is the logger set at debug level
Resets the logger to default settings, error and no filtered classes
Get the current logger function
Set the current logger function
Custom logging function
Filter log messages for a particular class
The type of filter (currently only class)
The filters to apply
Set the current log level
Set current log level (debug, warn, info, error)
Generated using TypeDoc
This logger is unused and will be removed in the next major version.