Function to respond the transcription results.
Subscribe only to the interim transcriptions before a sentence is finalized.
Function to respond the transcription results.
Subscribe to all transcriptions.
Function to respond the transcription results.
Request all transcript workers to switch to a model.
The name of the model to switch to.
Request a transcript worker to tag a channel with a speaker name
The transcript worker's UUID. Available in transcript messages' workerID field.
The channel index number. Available in transcript messages' channelIndex field.
The speaker name to tag.
A promise that resolves to {content: Buffer('done')}.
Add keywords to all transcript worker
An array of keywords
Request all transcript workers to stop publishing. Useful for entering a privacy mode.
Publish transcript result on [near|far|beamform].[final|interim].transcript
The microphone type: near, far, beamform. Far-range mics are disabled when the agent speaker is playing audio. Beamform mics are disabled whenever some other types of mics are functioning.
Indicates whether the result is final.
The transcript to publish.
Generated using TypeDoc
Subscribe only to the final transcriptions.