Number of documents
Collection size in bytes
Average object size in bytes
(Pre)allocated space for the collection in bytes
Number of extents (contiguously allocated chunks of datafile space)
Number of indexes
Size of the most recently created extent in bytes
Padding can speed up updates if documents grow
A number that indicates the user-set flags on the collection. userFlags only appears when using the mmapv1 storage engine
Total index size in bytes
Size of specific indexes in bytes
if the collection is capped
The maximum number of documents that may be present in a capped collection
The maximum size of a capped collection
This document contains data reported directly by the WiredTiger engine and other data for internal diagnostic use
The fields in this document are the names of the indexes, while the values themselves are documents that contain statistics for the index provided by the storage engine
The amount of storage available for reuse. The scale argument affects this value.
An array that contains the names of the indexes that are currently being built on the collection
The sum of the storageSize and totalIndexSize. The scale argument affects this value
The scale value used by the command.
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