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  • Zip




$zip: { inputs: ArrayExpression<any>[]; useLongestLength?: boolean; defaults?: ArrayExpression<any> }

Type declaration

  • inputs: ArrayExpression<any>[]

    An array of expressions that resolve to arrays. The elements of these input arrays combine to form the arrays of the output array.

    If any of the inputs arrays resolves to a value of null or refers to a missing field, $zip returns null.

    If any of the inputs arrays does not resolve to an array or null nor refers to a missing field, $zip returns an error.

  • Optional useLongestLength?: boolean

    A boolean which specifies whether the length of the longest array determines the number of arrays in the output array.

    The default value is false: the shortest array length determines the number of arrays in the output array.

  • Optional defaults?: ArrayExpression<any>

    An array of default element values to use if the input arrays have different lengths. You must specify useLongestLength: true along with this field, or else $zip will return an error.

    If useLongestLength: true but defaults is empty or not specified, $zip uses null as the default value.

    If specifying a non-empty defaults, you must specify a default for each input array or else $zip will return an error.

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