Optional __id
__id?: never
Optional $eq
$eq?: TValue
Optional $gt
$gt?: TValue
Optional $gte
$gte?: TValue
Optional $in
$in?: readonly TValue[]
Optional $lt
$lt?: TValue
Optional $lte
$lte?: TValue
Optional $ne
$ne?: TValue
Optional $nin
$nin?: readonly TValue[]
Optional $not
Optional $exists
$exists?: boolean
Optional $type
?: "string" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "date" | "double" | "array" | "binData" | "objectId" | "bool" | "null" | "regex" | "dbPointer" | "javascript" | "javascriptWithScope" | "int" | "timestamp" | "long" | "decimal" | "minKey" | "maxKey" | <internal>.BSONTypeOptional $expr
Optional $jsonSchema
Optional $mod
$mod?: TValue extends number ? [number, number] : never
Optional $regex
?: TValue extends string ? string | RegExp | BSONRegExp : neverOptional $options
$options?: TValue extends string ? string : never
Optional $geoIntersects
Optional $geoWithin
Optional $near
Optional $nearSphere
Optional $maxDistance
$maxDistance?: number
Optional $all
$all?: readonly any[]
Optional $elemMatch
Optional $size
$size?: TValue extends readonly any[] ? number : never
Optional $bitsAllClear
Optional $bitsAllSet
Optional $bitsAnyClear
Optional $bitsAnySet
Optional $rand
matches the documents that contain the field, including documents where the field value is null.