{String} url - url starting with http:// or https://; or local file on display-worker starting with file://
{String} left - left position in pixels or em
{String} top - top position in pixels or em
{String} width - width in pixels or em
{String} height - height in pixels or em
{boolean} uiDraggable - sets if the viewObject is draggable using a pointing device
{boolean} uiClosable - sets if the viewObject is closable using a pointing device
{Object} [position] - Specifies position in grid mode. ignores left and top if specified
{Number} [position.gridLeft] - column position
{Number} [position.gridTop] - row position
{Object} [slide] - Specifies sliding content in grid mode. Requires position object
{String} [direction] - values : 'left', 'right', 'down', 'up'
{boolean} [nodeIntegration] - specifies if the guest page needs to use Electron resources
{Object} [deviceEmulation] - Specifies device emulation parameters. ( For all parameter options refer http://electron.atom.io/docs/api/web-contents/#contentsenabledeviceemulationparameters)
{Number} deviceEmulation.scale - Scale of emulated view inside available space (not in fit to view mode) (default: 1)
{Object} deviceEmulation.offset - Offset of the emulated view inside available space (not in fit to view mode) (default: {x: 0, y: 0})
{Number} deviceEmulation.offset.x - Set the x axis offset from top left corner
{Number} deviceEmulation.offset.y - Set the y axis offset from top left corner
{boolean} deviceEmulation.fitToView - Whether emulated view should be scaled down if necessary to fit into available space (default: false)
{Object} [videoOptions] - Specifies video options for url specified with local file:/// and extension .mp4.
{String} [videoOptions.group] - Specify group name of video view objects that should maintain synchronicity
{String} [videoOptions.groupSize] - Specify the number of video view objects that should maintain synchronicity
{boolean} [videoOptions.controls] - Specify video UI controls be present. (default: true)
{boolean} [videoOptions.content] - Specify content should play (true) or paused (false) (default: true)
{boolean} [videoOptions.muted] - Specify whether sound is muted or not (default: false)
{Number} [videoOptions.currentTime] - Specify the video play position in seconds(default 0.0)
{Number} [videoOptions.volume] - Specify the current volume from (0.0 - muted) to (1.0 - full volume) (default: 1.0)
{Number} [videoOptions.preload] - Specify the current video preload ('auto' | 'metadata' | 'none') (default: 'auto')
Generated using TypeDoc
{String} url - url starting with http:// or https://; or local file on display-worker starting with file://
{String} left - left position in pixels or em
{String} top - top position in pixels or em
{String} width - width in pixels or em
{String} height - height in pixels or em
{boolean} uiDraggable - sets if the viewObject is draggable using a pointing device
{boolean} uiClosable - sets if the viewObject is closable using a pointing device
{Object} [position] - Specifies position in grid mode. ignores left and top if specified
{Number} [position.gridLeft] - column position
{Number} [position.gridTop] - row position
{Object} [slide] - Specifies sliding content in grid mode. Requires position object
{String} [direction] - values : 'left', 'right', 'down', 'up'
{boolean} [nodeIntegration] - specifies if the guest page needs to use Electron resources
{Object} [deviceEmulation] - Specifies device emulation parameters. ( For all parameter options refer http://electron.atom.io/docs/api/web-contents/#contentsenabledeviceemulationparameters)
{Number} deviceEmulation.scale - Scale of emulated view inside available space (not in fit to view mode) (default: 1)
{Object} deviceEmulation.offset - Offset of the emulated view inside available space (not in fit to view mode) (default: {x: 0, y: 0})
{Number} deviceEmulation.offset.x - Set the x axis offset from top left corner
{Number} deviceEmulation.offset.y - Set the y axis offset from top left corner
{boolean} deviceEmulation.fitToView - Whether emulated view should be scaled down if necessary to fit into available space (default: false)
{Object} [videoOptions] - Specifies video options for url specified with local file:/// and extension .mp4.
{String} [videoOptions.group] - Specify group name of video view objects that should maintain synchronicity
{String} [videoOptions.groupSize] - Specify the number of video view objects that should maintain synchronicity
{boolean} [videoOptions.controls] - Specify video UI controls be present. (default: true)
{boolean} [videoOptions.content] - Specify content should play (true) or paused (false) (default: true)
{boolean} [videoOptions.muted] - Specify whether sound is muted or not (default: false)
{Number} [videoOptions.currentTime] - Specify the video play position in seconds(default 0.0)
{Number} [videoOptions.volume] - Specify the current volume from (0.0 - muted) to (1.0 - full volume) (default: 1.0)
{Number} [videoOptions.preload] - Specify the current video preload ('auto' | 'metadata' | 'none') (default: 'auto')